Category: Blogging
How to Create an Online Writing Portfolio with Contently
One of the best ways to make a good first impression for a freelance writing or guest blogging…
15 Wasteful Habits of Unproductive (and Unsuccessful) Part-Time Bloggers
This is a guest post by Dr. Bob Clarke.
It’s hard enough to build a successful and profitable…
How to Become a Local Business Marketing Expert as a Blogger
This is a guest post by Rana Shahbaz.
I am a huge fan of doing easy things because I believe…
7 Common Negative Beliefs That Hold Bloggers Back from World Domination
You have probably heard many say that blogging is simple, but not easy.
Most of the obstacles…
Why Writers Need Video & How to Do It Well in 15 Minutes a Day
This is a guest post by Sean Platt of Ghostwriter Dad.
A lot of writers make the mistake…
5 Steps to Submitting a Guest Post & Getting It Published
After some emails back and forth with a potential guest blogger on my site, he suggested…
If I Knew Then What I Know Now
What is it that you wish someone had told you years ago? When you were starting your company,…
What Are Post Tags & Why You Should Be Using Them
This is a guest post by Ana Hoffman of Traffic Generation Cafe.
I can’t believe…