This is a guest post by Slavko Desik.
Niche blogging is, as many of us know, blogging within the frames of a certain area of expertise, sticking to the subjects closely related to it.
And regardless of the fact that niches can be broader or tighter, expanding or shrinking, you are still confined within that “small” area, where the subject concerned slowly becomes your playground for ideas, learning, analyzing, even teaching.
The idea of niche blogging is understandably compelling to some beginners, since it imposes a certain square of allowed movement. You cannot move outside of your niche, and thus guidelines are girded too tight in the eyes of some.
However, being even slightly familiarized with the principles of Internet Marketing and branding, you will come to discover that niche blogging is one of the best outlets for some professionals out there, if not even the agent of revenue itself.
The list below comprises many of the benefits as well as the flexibility which is so valued nowadays in business, along with the opportunities you can create with niche blogging.
1. You have the best chance of becoming an authority.
Blogging within a niche offers you the chance to point yourself as an authority and person of trust respectively. You see, smaller the niche gets bigger your authority becomes.
The predicaments are, then, that your focus is centered upon that smaller square, therefore getting the most out of it, becoming more resourceful than anyone else.
Similar to that, if you are, let’s say in the fitness niche, then chances are that your knowledge will be more in-depth than those who share their blog space between the subjects of fitness, health, travel, lifestyle etc.
2. You are in the ideal position for building trust.
Niche blogging reflects dedication, passion, consistency.
You see, in the eyes of others it gets clear that you are so interested, as well as dedicated to your subject of writing, by seeing how you persistently make new and new material closely connected with your given subject.
This altogether builds trust among your readers, visitors, potential buyers. It seems to them, with a reason, that you are more than just interested about the things that you write about – you discuss them constantly, and not only that, but you live them too, consistently.
Therefore it’s a no-brainer that you can not only build trust, but also promote your brand even more, since nowadays brands tend to get way more personal than ever before. And niche blogging screams personal, and it invites trust and brand advocates.
3. You are given an elevated position and a better start in SEO.
SEO proved that it’s not a passing-by thing, something that is here for just a year. It seems that we will hear about it even more in the years to come.
And in SEO it’s a known fact that the more you target your focus upon a smaller niche, the more SEO benefits you are ripping out of it. It is quite logical, since not only you are centering the same keywords and their variations, but Google starts to connect your name more and more with the niche and it elevates it in all of its algorithms.
You are also given a boost by all the links that are shared via social media (something that is now a new and very fast-growing factor), because all of the things mentioned above. As people are seeing you as an authority in a given niche, same does Google via its algorithms. Therefore, your SEO game is already on another level.
4. You can make connections more quickly.
The truth is – no matter how much some people want to deny it, that you are more likely to make a connection, no matter whether it’s a personal or business one (although business is also personal), with people that share the same interests as you.
And what is an easier way to prove that than being “confined” within a niche? I can relate, and connect way more, and way faster with people in the lifestyle niche, than people in the Internet Marketing and blogging niche. That’s my thing, you see, the lifestyle niche that is.
And no matter how seemingly easy I write and connect with people who are interested in blogging, my stress will always fall upon the lifestyle niche, where things get triple easier.
5. You learn more, write more, and eventually know more.
It’s a no brainer really. Just by forcing yourself not to broaden your focus from one to more subjects, you are in fact squeezing whatever there is to squeeze from it.
Take this example:
Let’s say you are writing about cars. You know a lot don’t you? But let’s get more specific now. Let’s say you write about Ford automobiles. Now you are assumed to know more about your subject. Now let’s say that you write about Ford trucks. See how it is?-The smaller your niche, the bigger your knowledge in it.
This can help you even in the offline world, where you will get yourself to the point where even college degrees won’t be enough to counter your knowledge. Because you are not just learning your niche, you are living it.
6. You have the flexibility to adjust to the market and your capabilities.
If you sense that there is a new trend that is becoming more popular in your niche you can slightly shift focus. You still have the upper hand, having been in the niche and all, so you will just have to adapt your writing a bit more.
This also means as much opportunity as it means flexibility, so you will be able to capture new markets the moment they rise. As for being flexible with your own capabilities, here is the thing many people regard as a jewel: Whenever your expertise comes to a plateau in terms of learning and developing, you can slightly change course.
Let’s say you write about fitness as in terms of physical exercise, and you are coming to a stop with creating articles, you can always approach your subject in a more diverse fashion.
Start making connection between your niche and something very similar, and you have your answer. You can make an article, for example, about how certain foods and certain changes in nutrition will reflect upon your physical capabilities.
Not only will you reach your deadline in publishing, but the readers will be given a slight change, which will represent a sort of refresh, a new idea, new opportunity for them to learn. And since they already love the thing you write about, they will more likely respond nicely to this one too.
As time passes by, you can grow your blog, and go from more concise niche blogging to a broader one. With niche blogging, you can sense the market, and act appropriately.
As you can see, niche blogging is not a barrier for improvement, but rather an opportunity for both you and your business to develop into something that will provoke trust and loyalty among readers and visitors, as well as increase your chances of conversion and revenue way more.
The great thing is that it will always be a fun road, given the things you will learn along the way, as well as the connections you will make and people that you will meet; people that share your passion; people that share your mindset.